About Me

A little about me

My first job at 14 years old was at HDC (Housing Development Center) where I can still remember the smell of old furniture and my very own cherry oak wooden desk, where I was hired as a clerical assistant.

And when I went home that day to tell my parents how my amazing day was while wearing my mom's heels is when I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

Now years later as I was expanding my horizons to explore my passion and creativity as an inspiring lifestyle blogger where I created a vision to all do the things that bring me joy all in one place, I felt a void.

I knew I was missing something.

One day, as I was watching a video of one of my favorite bloggers she asked "What are you good at?" and that question stayed lingering in my mind.

Then a few days later in a conversation with a friend, I remember explaining how I wish I would have known what I know now and wish I got help with the process.

Then it hit me.

And that is when the light switch flicked and understood all the phases I had to go through alone.

But you don't have to.


Here I can assist you to make it easier to enjoy the journey, by allowing me to take care of the small tasks while you can concentrate on the most important ones.

Something I would have done myself in the process of building my very own online business world.


If you are a small business owner or trying to create a business but have no idea how to implement the resources, this is where I come in.

I am a mother of two and a Virgo, which qualifies me to be a born pro multitasker, organizer, and a gift of creativity in my opinion that has been in the administration field for more than 30 years. So as an entrepreneur myself, I know how much time it takes to get through the phases of this amazing but time-consuming journey, and this is where I can come in and assist you as your Virtual Assistant.

Here you will find the services I can offer you to make life easier and what makes me different from most. I can help you cross off those tasks and create a system of success for the little things that can make a big difference.

Check out the details on this page in regards to my services, packages, and pricing. Then submit your information through my contact form! ā€‹

Once I take a look at your form, I will then send over my schedule link to get a date and time on the calendar to chat over your goals and business needs! ā€‹

After the call, I will create a proposal with the suggested package and contract start date. Then, we will sign a contract and get to work!


Jovianna aka Mizz J.

TTP by JC | Virtual Assistant